Contessa-Nettel Piccolette: For the Vest Pocket
(1919-1926, 1926-19311)
little German folding camera personified the idea of the vest pocket camera.
Not surprisingly, it used Kodak's VP127 film (VP = Vest Pocket), which had
been introduced six years earlier in 1913
As noted from the title of this page, the Piccolette was a product of Contessa-Nettel
and then continued life under Zeiss Ikon after the 1926 merger. The Piccolette
remained in the Zeiss Ikon catalogue through 1931 -- a 12-year run, which isn't
bad for a camera of modest specifications.
I need to add here that I wasn't able to find an exact date for the introduction
of the Piccolette. One site gives it as 1915, while others say 1919 or 1920.
My own book is a bit vague on when the Piccolette came to market -- only that
it was one of the early products from Contessa-Nettel.
It's important to note that the Contessa Nagel and Nettel merger
didn't occur until 1919 and wasn't fully completed until 1920. It's possible that the Piccolette was a product of one of the predecessor firms of Contessa-Nettel,
although I've not yet seen any Piccolettes marked with the name of the pre-merger
companies. For that reason, I don't believe that a 1915 date is possible --
not impossible, but unlikely.
Like most cameras in this period, there were numerous lens and shutter combinations
with the deluxe version featuring a brown leather body covering, Tessar lens
and Compur shutter. My camera, marked Contessa Nettel on the lens board and
aperture scale, has a three-speed
Derval shutter offering 1/25, 1/50 and 1/100 plus B and T. The lens is an
uncoated triplet, an f/6.3 7.5cm Nettar
This Piccolette has no leather
covering -- just black paint. The lens board is attached to a small tub that
holds the shutter. The entire assembly moves away from the body by lazy tong
struts that lightly lock into place. A curved foot is on one end of the lens
board and allows the camera to sit vertically on a table. My particular camera
has no tripod socket, although I've seen photos of later models that show a
tripod socket.
The design is very similar to the Kodak VP camera it produced during the
same period including the rounded ends of the body, the placement of the
viewfinder that is located behind the lens board and
the lazy tong scissor struts.
back lock is an oversized dial centered on the base of the camera (bottom photo
at right). Like some other Contessa-Nettel roll-film cameras, the body is rounded
on either end and doesn't open. Film is loaded by turning the dial on the base,
which unlocks the film carrier and allows it to be slid out from the side. As
a side note, the plastic spools in today's Efke and Maco films make for an
extremely tight fit because they are slightly thicker. You have to work a
bit to load a new roll of film.
Once the film is loaded, you slide the carrier back into the body and turn
the dial to lock it. Pull the small metal slide on the back to the side and wind until "1"
appears in the red window. You're ready to take some photos.
That small metal slide serves double duty as the peep hole for the wire frame
finder. The wire frame slides out from under the lens board. You can see how
it looks when it's extending by clicking on the small inset photo at the top
of the page.
The photographer also has at his or her disposal a small reflex finder to frame
their shot, and the shutter-release lever is on the back side of the lens board.
The Derval doesn't require it to be pre-tensioned, so you simply push it to
one side to take a photo.
As you might expect, the image in the reflex finder is very small and a
bit difficult to see, while the wire frame finder is simply an approximation
of what is captured on film. I don't think you should expect to use either
finder for precise framing of your photo.
With the bellows collapsed, it's a very compact camera. It's just a bit thicker
than a boxed roll of 127 film and thinner than a boxed roll of 120 film. You
can see why I say the Piccolette personifies the concept of the vest pocket
Restoration notes
This particular camera was in decent condition.
As you can see, there is some loss of paint.
You have to remove the front lens panel before
you can remove the lens and shutter assembly, which sits inside a small tub
that is attached to the scissor struts. The struts can be pulled by removing the three
screws on either side of the camera. There are guides that sit right next to
the bellows that allow the struts to scissor in and out. You'll see what I mean
if you disassemble one of these.
One problem area was the bellows, which had been
pushed out of shape and would not collapse correctly. They probably had been
compressed incorrectly for decades. The way to fix this is to clean the bellows
with saddle soap, apply shoe polish and buff lightly. You can then compress
the bellows and use a small tool to get them back into their correct shape.
Leave them like that overnight. I've done this a couple of times before, so
I knew this would part would be simple. And it was.
The camera uses a very small piece of wood between
the back and the tub that holds the bellows. It had come loose, so I re-glued
A large flat disk on the back can be removed
to collimate the lens. With this camera it's not an issue because the lens is
non-focusing. But at the very least, you should start with it being correct
at infinity.
1 The
first group of years are for production under the Contessa-Nettel marque. The
camera, as mentioned in the text, continued to be available as a Zeiss Ikon
product after the 1926 merger and was listed in the Zeiss Ikon catalogue until
2 127 film was so named because
it was the 27th roll film size since Kodak began numbering film in 1895 ("Collectors
Guide to Kodak Cameras," by Jim and Joan McKeown, 1981).